Calgary acupuncture clinic contact cover photo

Acupuncture, Massage & Chinese herbal medicine Services in Calgary – Contact

We provide Acupuncture (Acupuncture (neck/back/shoulder pain relief, stress relief, Weights loss, Depression, Detoxification, Diabetes, Dizziness,  Gynaecological issues, Headache, Hip and Knee pains, insomnia, etc), Chinese medicine, and Massage in Calgary. Feel free to Contact us.

Name: Anderson Area Acupuncture Massage Clinic
Address: #8, 11440, Braeside Dr. SW, Calgary, in BraeCentre (beside Subway) at NE corner of the junction of 24th Street and Anderson Road. Contact information:
Post Code: T2W 3N4
Tel: (403)398-6798 Fax: (403)398-6718

Operation Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 10:00AM–6:30PM
Tuesday, Thursday: 1:00PM–6:30PM
Saturday: 10:00AM–3:00PM, Sunday by Appointment

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