What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a healing method of traditional Chinese medicine system in which symptoms are relieved or cured by the insertion of thin metal needles into selected points on the skin. By stimulating the certain points and meridians on the surface of the body, it can stimulate and balance the body’s vital energy in order to reduce pain, cure disease, increase immunity, etc. Results of research show that the needling activates deep sensory nerves, which cause the pituitary and midbrain to release endorphins – the brain’s natural painkillers and other biologic factors, which heal the body’s diseases and problems. Acupuncture is widely used in the Far East for pain relief, diseases and body mind care.

what is acupuncture

The acupuncturist should be trained for at least 5 years before they are allowed to practice in China. The theories taught include both that of Chinese Medicine and basic of western medicine. Acupuncturists in Alberta are registered as qualified acupuncture practitioner and more and more insurance companies cover acupuncture therapy than before.

Name: Anderson Area Acupuncture Wellness Clinic
Address: #8, 11440, Braeside Dr. SW, Calgary
Post Code: T2W 3N4
Tel: (403)398-6798
Email: aawellness@hotmail.com